Sri Chinmoy

Photo of Sri ChinmoySri Chinmoy was born in 1931 in the village of Shakpura, Chittagong, in the easternmost part of India (now Bangladesh). During the time from 1944 to 1964 Sri Chinmoy lived in a spiritual community in the South of India where he immersed himself not only in meditation but also excelled in literature, music and sports– while studying and working. Sri Chinmoy composed poetry, music and prose, both in English and his native Bengali.

In 1964, Sri Chinmoy followed an inner calling to share the ancient teachings of the East with seekers of the West. New York became his home and the center of publication of his prolific outpourings of poetry, essays, music and art–whose recurring theme was that of the unity of all human beings through the uplifting of the individual. But above all Sri Chinmoy was a meditation master who taught meditation through ‘The Path of the Heart’.

Sri Chinmoy entered his Mahasamadhi, or final union with the Supreme, on October 11, 2007, leaving his physical body at the age of seventy-six.

Sri Chinmoy Links

For more information about Sri Chinmoy, his life and multifarious activities, please visit the following links:

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